Thursday, May 31, 2012

Second Birthday Party Project #1- Invitations

The party is right around the corner...again.  Fingers crossed everything will go as planned so I thought I would begin the series of posts on crazy party planning for a two year old.  Let's start with invitations!  I saw these adorable invitations and knew I had to have them.

Since we are just having a small family party I only needed about 4 and could make them myself.  I saw a few similar versions then set to work.  This might not be the very best way to make them but it is definitely the easiest.

  • black scrapbook paper (I got five sheets for a dollar at Michael's during a sale...3 black and 2 other colours for other party decor)
  • white computer paper
  • computer and printer
  • glue 
  • scissors
  • ribbon (on sale 50% off + 25% off at Michael's and I will use the rest for another project)
  • lighter (this is to melt the ribbon and prevent can use any warming tool)
First, I found a picture of Mickey that I liked on google images and cut and pasted it into a word document.  I played with the size until it was right.  I then printed it, cut it out and traced it onto the black paper to make the basic Mickey shape and use for a background.

Next, I downloaded a free font call Walt Disney from Urban Fonts .  I opened this in photoshop and typed my text.  Since I didn't know exactly what size I needed I saved it as a jpeg and inserted it as an image in a word document to play with the size until it was the size I wanted.  (*If you know how to do this properly please email me and I will gladly update these directions for others.*)  I then printed the number I needed and cut them into circles.

Once the circles were cut, I glued them on the Mickey cut out.  I then made wholes in the top with my scissors and laced the pink ribbon through.  Remember to burn the ends for just a second to prevent the ribbon from fraying.  Finally, I tied the ribbon in a bow and cut them to the right length.

Done and done.  I would estimate with left over materials it cost me $1.00 for four invitations.  Unfortunately the party was delayed so that date is wrong but they are pretty none the less!

Linking Here:
Sugar and Dots
The 36th Avenue
The Foley Fam Unedited 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Boss Turned Two

The Boss turned two this weekend and despite a glitch in our party plans we made the best of it.  The Minnie Party was post-pone until next weekend due to my poor niece getting sick, but that's life.  I know for a fact that I was more upset, when Mr. D heard of the looming cancellation he sprung into action planning a day of fun for me us!

We took a boat over to an island in Toronto where I used to go with my family when I was a child.   There are beautiful parks, lots of green space and a few amusement rides for The Girl to try.  My big girl loved the rides and even rode one on her own.  She was so proud of herself.

And then I recovered!

I love my sweet two year old.  We had the best day, and the best part is that her birthday isn't over.  We get to extend it another week and celebrate The Boss next weekend.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Boss is Two...

I know it has been almost a month since I last posted.  It's not because I haven't been working away, but I have been crazy busy.  Don't worry though...I'm back.

Today The Boss turns two!  If you have ever visited the First Birthday tab on my blog you will understand why I haven't been writing...I've been crafting up a Minnie themed party for a second birthday party.

I can't believe it was two years ago that I brought this sweet bundle home....

Even though she was a complete surprise she is a sweet blessing and the absolute best transition into parenting a Mom and Dad could ask for.  We love you sweet girl and we can't wait to spend the day celebrating the ways you have changed our life!