Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Boss Turned Two

The Boss turned two this weekend and despite a glitch in our party plans we made the best of it.  The Minnie Party was post-pone until next weekend due to my poor niece getting sick, but that's life.  I know for a fact that I was more upset, when Mr. D heard of the looming cancellation he sprung into action planning a day of fun for me us!

We took a boat over to an island in Toronto where I used to go with my family when I was a child.   There are beautiful parks, lots of green space and a few amusement rides for The Girl to try.  My big girl loved the rides and even rode one on her own.  She was so proud of herself.

And then I recovered!

I love my sweet two year old.  We had the best day, and the best part is that her birthday isn't over.  We get to extend it another week and celebrate The Boss next weekend.

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