Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Today I'm Thankful For...

Yesterday I started my new job. And while I am still technically still on maternity leave the maternity leave I am covering started one month early.  So much for easing back into work.  After a thirteen and a half hour day I needed today to just relax and process a lot of what I learned yesterday.

When I woke up this morning to sunshine and a warm forecast, I called my sister and my favourite little people and we made a date.

Today I am thankful for...

Strollers with coffee cup holders,


Girl Parties,

and a sister I can call to spend the morning in the sunshine with!

Here's to the end of a great maternity leave with my sister, and here's to more babies and more playdates on our next maternity leave a very, very, very, very, very long time from now! 


Lindsay said...

What cuties! LOVE their hats!

Unknown said...

I give it one year before you'll know the next timing of your maternity leave! Love all your cuties!

Lindsay said...

Amen sister. You made me tear up with this post! I've loved our mat leave together. And yes, here's to the next one way down the road!

TLF said...

Aww, precious!