Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You Know You're a Mom When...{Garbage}

You Know You're a Mom When...

You look in the mirror, unshowered, and say 
"Wow, I look like garbage",
To which your son replies,
"But it's beautiful Garbage Mommy!"

Beth, mother of 2. Son 3 1/2, daughter 1 1/2. 

I feel like this captures the unconditional love of a child so perfectly.  Even when we feel our worst they love and cuddle us.  I must say there are some day's I wouldn't cuddle myself and yet The Boss can't get enough.  We Mommies are beautiful pieces of garbage!

* Don't forget, if you have a funny Mommy moment either comment below or email me at cheekydinheels(at)gmail(dot)com and you could be featured!

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